Good Corporate Governance

Sustainability Management Policy
Bangkok Life Assurance Public Company Limited

     Bangkok Life Assurance PCL is committed to operating business that follows the sustainability development guidelines that are built on a strong economic, social and environmental foundation. Recognizing the significance of sustainability management, the Company makes it our priority to give confidence to our stakeholders through our excellent, fair, transparent business operations as well as constant innovation development. The Company also provides knowledge about financial planning to Thai people, as well as products and services which can offer stability to families under the framework and practice guidelines that are aligned with international standards. The Company defines the sustainability management policy as follows:

  1. Comply with the law and relevant regulations and follow international guidelines
  2. Take into consideration the balance of economic, society and environment including all stakeholders for sustainable growth of the business.
  3. Give importance to minimizing impacts from operations throughout the entire value chain whilst maintaining business growth encompassing the economic, social and environmental dimensions.
  4. Raise awareness of Bangkok Life Assurance PCL sustainability management policy among stakeholders.
  5. Promote and endorse continuous development of innovation and technology to be environmentally friendly and promote the efficient use of technology and innovation among all stakeholders to build a sustainable future.
  6. Promote knowledge about comprehensive financial sharing with a determination to contribute to reducing social discrepancy, building peace, creating financial stability and improving the wellbeing of Thai people.
  7. Provide transparent, fair and verifiable disclosures of management policies and guidelines, as well as operating results following recognizable international standards and guidelines to promote continuous development.

     Every director, executive, employee, life insurance agent and financial advisor have a duty to endorse, promote and comply with the sustainability policy and framework set forth by the Company.

In accordance with the resolution of the 6/2022 Board of Directors’ Meeting held on November 11, 2022


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