Good Corporate Governance

Information Disclosure Policy

     The Company recognizes the importance of management and business practices as per good corporate governance principles to ensure accurate, complete, transparent, and equitable disclosure of financial and other information in compliance with the applicable official regulations. Therefore, the Company has established this Information Disclosure Policy as a guideline for its directors and employees.

Authorized Person for Information Disclosure

     Directors, the President, or executives assigned to act on their behalf can deliberate and decide upon the content of important information for disclosure. They may choose to clarify the information themselves or delegate this responsibility to appropriate individuals.

     Directors, the President, or executives assigned to act on their behalf have the authority to make press statements, disseminate the Company’s significant information, and answer questions from shareholders, investors, and securities analysts.

     The corporate communication function is responsible for disseminating the Company’s important information through mass media, including direct communication with respective data owners.

Information Dissemination

     The Company’s information must be accurate, complete, transparent, equitable, reliable, and straightforward. Clarifications of the information must be clear, easily understandable, and provided in a timely manner.

     When reporting information to official agencies, disclosure must adhere to the timeline and frequency mandated by law, official agencies, or relevant regulatory agencies, based on the type of information.

     The corporate communication function is responsible for providing advice and guidelines for communicating with the public. When disseminating significant information to the public, it shall also be disclosed on the Company's website.

     The Company’s important information that impacts the Company’s securities price, may influence investment decisions or evaluations of the Company, or affect shareholders’ rights can only be disclosed after it has been officially submitted to the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

Prohibitions and Error Correction in Information Disclosure

     Disclosure of confidential business information, information that, if disclosed, could result in loss of benefits and competitiveness, information that is not yet concluded or is in the process of uncertain negotiation, exaggerated predictions, or excessively optimistic messages lacking supporting reasons shall be prohibited. Moreover, language or formats that are inappropriate or could lead to misunderstandings regarding the Company’s securities price are also prohibited.

     In case of disclosure of inaccurate, erroneous, or incorrect information, or if the meaning of information is significantly misinterpreted or mistranslated; directors, the President, or executives assigned to act on their behalf have the authority to promptly issue clarifications to rectify any misunderstandings.

Response Protocol for Information Leaks or Rumors

     In case of significant events related to inaccurate news, inaccurate references, or leak or premature disclosure of important information that could lead to rumors potentially influencing the Company’s securities price and/or operations, whether positively or negatively; directors, the President, or executives assigned to act on their behalf shall be responsible for promptly clarifying important information and necessary facts through the Stock Exchange of Thailand and other channels to rectify any misunderstandings.

Securities Trading Prohibition and Information Disclosure Restraint

     To uphold good corporate governance; directors, the President, executives, or employees whose duties allow them to be aware of or give them the opportunity to be aware of internal information of the Company or its partners, which could influence changes in prices of the Company or its partners’ securities, shall strictly adhere to the regulations regarding the use of inside information and securities trading.


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