Good Corporate Governance


Human Right Policy
Bangkok Life Assurance Public Company Limited

     The Company is committed to operating its business sustainably, supporting the protection of rights, freedom, equality, diversity of internal and external stakeholders following the human rights principles. The Company shall not perform any action which violates or limit the personal rights and freedom. The Company gives importance to operating the business fairly and transparently, giving priority to respecting the rights of customers, employees, partners and business alliances as well as labour rights and human rights of employees with regards to hiring as well as fair and equal treatment which are clearly stated in the Company’s Code of Conduct.


     This Human Rights Policy covers all operations of the Company including those pertaining to the customer, prospects, employees, applicants, partners, business alliances and nearby community of the Company.


  Company means Bangkok Life Assurance PCL
  ​Customer means An individual, a group of individuals or an organization that purchases products or services from the Company including prospects who may purchase products and services from the Company
  Employee means Every employee who operates under the employment contract in every position. This also includes job applicants.
  Partners means An individual, a group of individuals or an organization that offers products and services for the Company such as partnered hospitals
  Business Alliances means An individual, a group of individuals or an organization that present and sell products and services of the Company to the customers directly i.e., life insurance agents, financial advisors and life insurance brokers
  Community means A community nearby the Company.

Practice Guidelines


  • The Company gives importance to fair treatment for all customer groups and has established fair customer treatment policy as well as regulations and customer service management framework which covers pre-sales, point-of-sales and post sales processes to ensure that the customers receive complete, accurate information pertaining to product and services as well as being presented the services and products fairly.
  • The Company establishes Personal Data Protection Policy and practice regulations pertaining personal data management, disclosure and transfer of personal data, use of personal data, personal data security and confidentiality as well as protection of the rights of personal data owner to ensure accurate and suitable customer data management, not violating customer personal data.


  • The Company gives importance to respect for the human rights principles, supporting diversity and accepting differences through fair treatment of all levels of employee with no discrimination against the differences in gender, age, skin colour, race, religion, culture, disability, and education by giving importance to the process of recruiting and hiring, managing compensation, retaining employees, managing career advancement as well as offering a safe environment that supports well-being, morale and motivation in the workplace to respond to the needs and expectation of all employees to work happily as well as to support the advancement in their profession, cultivating engagement and supporting sustainable development and growth.
  • The Company gives importance to respecting the labour rights, with no employment of child labour, illegal labour as well as complies strictly with the labour law and regulations.


  • The Company encourages the partners and alliances to operate business with transparency with procurement process that is transparent and fair for all involved parties. The human rights aspect is considered as part of the partner selection process. The partners are required to abide by the human rights principles and other principles stated in the Company’s Code of Conduct for partners.

Business Alliance

  • The Company give importance to respecting the human rights principles reflected through fair treatment of life insurance agents and financial advisors, life insurance brokers. The importance is placed on the selection process, maintaining professional code of conduct and standards, designing appropriate products and sales proposal methods without violating human rights or the requirements of relevant regulatory agencies

Nearby Community

  • The Company is committed to the human rights principle and guidelines to ensure that company-related operations or activities will not violate human rights whether directly or indirectly

Complaints and Suggestions

     The Company has established whistle blowing policy to give an opportunity to all stakeholders to report complaints misconduct, violation of code of conduct of directors, executives, employees, life insurance agents and financial advisors, life insurance brokers, investment consultants or any person who is a representative of the Company.


     An individual who wishes to file a whistle blow report or report in good faith an illegal act, misconduct and violation of the code of conduct regardless of the impact or damage incurred upon oneself may file report via one the following channels

1. Chairman of the Audit Committee
2. Internal Audit Department
Tel: 0-2777-8233-4 Fax: 0-2777-8237 or
3. Compliance Office
Tel: 0-2777-8861 Fax: 0-2777-8605 or

Comprehensive Human Rights Investigation

    The Company has a human rights investigation process which shows its determination towards following the human rights principles to reduce the human rights risks which may result from its activities. The investigation includes the following components:

  • Assessing potential risk and impact of the human rights
  • Establishing measures for preventing risk and relieving impact pertaining human rights
  • Establishing corrective measures when there is a violation of the human rights in the Company’s operations
  • Monitor and report the operations related to the human rights to high-level executives and related parties.

In accordance with the resolution of the 6/2022 Board of Directors’ Meeting held on November 11, 2022