Good Corporate Governance

Fair Customer Treatment Policy

Bangkok Life Assurance Public Company Limited

     The Board of Directors is committed to offering products and services to customers on the basis of fairness, taking into account the customers’ interests and satisfaction, believing that only quality products and services can meet the customers’ needs and build lasting relationships between them and the Company. Therefore, it has established the operating principles as follows:

1) Organizational Culture and the Executives’ Roles and Responsibilities

Fair customer treatment cultures are to be spread. Control on service quality is required to ensure they are fair, systematic, consistent, and up to date. The Company completely assesses the business’s overall and risks, measures success, analyzes problems, and identifies root causes of those problems in order to quickly and efficiently solve them.

2) Product Development

When developing products, the Company assesses their alignment with the needs, financial capability, and capability to understand those products of target customers, the sales capability of employees and sellers, and the existing work system.

3) Compensation Payment

Compensations for employees, sellers of every sales channel, and executives tasked to ensure fair services are significantly based on quality of sales and services according to the agents and brokers’ roles and responsibilities assigned by the Company.

4) Sales Process

The Company completely and sufficiently provides important information that is neither exaggerated nor distorted to customers, enabling them to make decisions based on accurate understanding and continue to use the Company’s services.

5) Communication and Education for Employees and Sellers

Employees and sellers receive communication to help them understand the importance of providing fair service and equip them with sufficient knowledge and skills to perform their duties.

6) Customer Information Maintenance

Customer information is securely maintained. Customers’ privacy and confidentiality are taken into account. Forwarding customer information to others must not affect the customers’ privacy and must comply with relevant laws.

7) Problem Solving and Complaint Handling

Problem solving, complaint handling, and remedial actions must be clear, prompt, independent, efficient, and fair.

8) Controlling, Supervision, and Inspection

Customer service management encompasses processes, control systems, and performance evaluation, all aimed at delivering fair and concise services. Risk and abnormality detection is incorporated to effectively prevent damages.

​9) Operations and Operation Support Plans

Customer service management encompasses operating systems, risk management, and operation support plans, both in normal and emergency situations, which ensure that customers’ orders or needs are processed correctly, completely, and in a timely manner, and that customers receive continuous and fair service.


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